Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Uninstall YouCompleteMe vim without root.

I have been experimenting with auto-completion for vim, YCM is very popular but somewhat unfriendly for someone don't have root privilege.

Its git site doesn't say how to uninstall it. Here is an easy way to do so:

  1. "rm -rf .vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/" 
  2. go into vi and do "PluginInstall" to install YCM again.
  3. repeat 1, this time you remove the uncompiled YCM. 

basically, you replace the compiled YCM with uncompiled one and remove the uncompiled one.

so what I am using now ? jedi-vim much easy to install and satisfies all my needs. (personal opinion)

Going to explore supertab.

Monday, July 7, 2014

svn1.8.9 with HTTP support.

In new SVN 1.8.9, when you
"svn co http://..."
This will give you an error: 
"svn: .... Unrecognized URL scheme for...."

What is missing? 
"svn --version" 

you will find "ra_dav" is not there. Older version of SVN need "neon" to support HTTP. But this version needs "serf" .

Install serf

unfortunately you need to first install scons

wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scons/scons-2.3.2.tar.gz
tar vxf scons-2.3.2.tar.gz
cd scons-2.3.2/
python setup.py install

now you need to the scons you just installed. Mine is in: $HOME/env/bin/scons

wget http://serf.googlecode.com/svn/src_releases/serf-1.3.6.tar.bz2
tar vxf serf-1.3.6.tar.bz2 
cd  serf-1.3.6
 ~/env/bin/scons PREFIX=$HOME/.local
 ~/env/bin/scons install

 install svn.

 just cd into the untarred folder: 
./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local
make install